A new way to look at your calendar. See events as theyll happen, not divided up into months. See how long until things happen. View events in the events timezone and your devices timezone. See your calendar as a graphical timeline.
Categorize events with tags and colors. Send events to other Dayspan users
Always in sync with your other calendar apps. No need to manually sync, import, or export your data
• Always see exactly how long since or until an event started or finished
• If you have events with start or finish times in other timezones, see them in those timezones or in your devices timezone with a single tap
• View a timeline of your calendar, graphically showing when your events happen, and which events happen at the same time as other events
• Categorize your events with colors or tags, and view your events having a specific tag such as "#Work" or "#Travel"
• Send events with a specific tag to other Dayspan users
• Quickly see which events are coming soon, even if theyre in the next month. Dayspan does not try to emulate a paper calendar; you dont have to flip from one month to the next to see whats upcoming